Common Weal Main

Common Weal Main

Monday 3 January 2011

Jenifer School in the news

A team of Media headed by the regional beuro chief, the most read Hindi Daily Kamal Nayan visited Bodhi Tree School and distributed sweets among the kids. Mr Kamal Nayan was accompanied by Sri Kamlesh Kr Singh,The Beuro chief of the second most read daily The Aaj,Beuro chief of Hindi National Daily The Rashtriya Sahra,Gopal Prasad, Beuro chief of National daily The Prabhat Khabar,Kanchan Sinha ,Staff Reporter Of the Hindustan Times,Alok Kumar and staff reporter of ANI srikant singh.

They learnt about the humble endeavour of school and its vision.They distributed biscuits among the kids.They deeply appreciated our endeavour to include Indian Traditional Dance Kathak in our curriculum.

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